недеља, 28. децембар 2014.

Goodbye Autumn!

*So..You are leaving...It was really nice having you..

Hey! This is gonna be a bit different post. Winter has officially spread it's hands around my city. 

*This year wasn't the best one we had, at least in Serbia. In spring enormous floods took over Serbia.People are still recovering from that.We lost a lot of people, a lot of animals, a lot of wheat, fruits and vegetables . People were drinking and driving, which led to a lot of car crashes and, just a month ago, to a horrible tragedy where 3 teenagers have fallen into the water and drowned. But you can stay on those bad things and thoughts or you can realize that there are good things that happen everywhere and every day.
I had my mind resting on a positive pillow, and I wanted this year to be full of lovely memories.
My favorite season is autumn(fall, whatever you want to call it) so that's why I expect a lot from it.I think that this fall was the best one yet. It was sunny and warm all the time, I was positive and happy, I got to dress really tumblr-ish...in general it was pretty good!

*Dear Autumn(read it like Carrie Hope Fletcher), I cherished every leaf that fell of your trees, I loved every changed colour that you bring and I got used to every cold breeze you gave us.
Now that you are leaving I just wanted to properly say bye. There are tons of reasons why you are my favourite season. Few days ago I was just talking to my dad about our favourite seasons he said his was spring and when I said mine is fall he was surprised.In Autumn everything, kind of, "dies". But I don't think of you like that. You give us warm colours we didn't think existed in nature. You give us new vegetables and fruits that we can't find during any other season. You prepare us for even colder days by making us wear cozier clothes...
I can go on with these examples but I won't.
Now that you are leaving us there is nothing more we can do except wait for you to come back next year, where we will enjoy with you again.
But until you come I am gonna go and say hello to the winter, get my hot chocolate and my fuzzy blanket...
Until next time,
Love Maraja

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